Cannabis for Anxiety: Friend or Foe?
Depression gets the best of us and it is no wonder, nowadays, one in five Americans suffer from depression. The root cause of depression may vary individually, but it is fair to say that there are several methods to treat depression. And in this post, we will discuss the success rate of at least one treatment option. Now, according to a report published by the WHO, 300 million people are likely to be affected by depression across the planet. So, this also means that we should be open to all the treatment options available to us. However, how successful is cannabis in this case? Read on to find out. First thing first, what is the connection between depression and cannabis? Unfortunately, we don't have enough evidence to clearly state that cannabis can help people with depression. However, we always get mixed reviews about marijuana use for depression. For instance, people who consume medical marijuana for depression believe that it helps them sleep at night. On the other hand, the...