Things You Must Know if You Are a New York Medical Marijuana Patient

New York legalized medical marijuana in 2014 and with that, New York became the 23rd state to allow medical marijuana. People suffer from many health issues due to their busy lives. Some of the biggest issues include insomnia, depression, stress, anxiety, and many more. And marijuana has been shown to help people suffering from such conditions. There are a few more conditions that can be treated with medical marijuana like epilepsy, arthritis, and cancer. But New York is one of those states that have very strict medical marijuana laws. So, if you are a medical marijuana patient in New York, you must know these important points. How Can You Get a Medical Marijuana Card in New York So, are you looking to get a medical marijuana card in New York for your condition? Then you have to follow a procedure that starts with visiting your doctor to know whether your condition qualifies to get an mmj card or not. Only a licensed physician can give you an MMJ card. The physici...