5 Hacks To Grow Cannabis At Home

Thinking to grow cannabis at home?

That’s great!

Since the legalization of cannabis in the United States, most people are producing cannabis indoors. The goals are to cut expenses and evade circumstances where access to medical cannabis is disturbed. 

To get medical cannabis for your ailment, you need an MMJ Card New york from a certified professional.

Seasoned ones can get their plants growing with the highest quality and quantity. 

What about the first-time-growers? 

They can find this daunting and lose patience to invest enough time and effort into a healthy plant. 

Most rookies end with a thin, dull, and scrawny-looking plant with only branches and no buds. 

Good news is that you can grow a healthy cannabis plant without being blessed with a natural green thumb for it. Follow little steps and hacks shared in this article to get your inner gardener going!

Hacks for the best cannabis plant

Do you want to learn little hacks to grow them greener and healthier?
Come on, dive in with me to learn simple and easy to perform hacks on your cannabis plant for a lush green. 

#Hack 1- Food and Water

Common for every living being on earth- without these, we wouldn’t have grown big, healthy, and powerful as adults. Right? Of course, with no proper nutrition, proteins, and other essentials, growth would is hindered. 

Similarly, cannabis also needs its food and enough water. For cannabis plants, the soil is the source of food and water. Therefore, choose the one with abundant nutrients for the cannabis plant. Opt for good quality organic soil. Neglect that gro-bags that our grannies used to grow tomatoes.
Also, ensure the soil is irrigated correctly. Sustain the balance of water. Do not over-do or under-do it. 

If you fail to take care of this, you and your plant will be doomed even before you could begin! 

#Hack 2- Choose seeds with care

Decide what strain you want and the quality of cannabis you expect, and pick your seeds after. Both nature and nurture are reasons for perfect cannabis growth. Nurture succeeds in nature in this case. 

Therefore, you have to choose you- prefer feminized seeds. 

Also, some strains of cannabis are easy to grow and produce a better yield than others. Some examples- White Widow, Sexxpot, Somango XXL. Amnesia Haze. Hence, start with these seeds. You will get the hang of growing cannabis soon.

#Hack 3- Light it Up

No plants can grow with enough light. However, cannabis plants need sufficient light. Too much exposure to light can make the buds brittle and dry, while less light can cause mold growth. 

When you are indoors, the best options you have are- High-Intensity Discharge (HID), compact fluorescent (CFL) or Light Emitting Diode (LED). Obviously, they come with their pros and cons. 
Whatever you choose, just remember to maintain a balance of light on cannabis plants!

#Hack 4- Top Plants to Top Results

For those who are unaware of what topping is! - It is cutting off the main stalk and making the plant bushier. Or it gets all thick in the center and tall.  The last thing you want is your cannabis plant looking like a tree. However, if you leave it to its own, it surely will grow as one. 

It might be intimidating for beginners but it's not as terrifying as you feel. This method is applied in horticulture to promote lateral growth instead of vertical. When topped, the plant energies are invested to grow smaller branches. And, if you trim these smaller ones, they give rise to additional branches and more buds. 

Sterilize your scissors, and snip your plant from above the fifth node or branch. It will result in the growth of the cannabis bush, the way you want it to. Attempt topping branches after the second and third nodes, at least.

#Hack 5- Never Stop

The most common mistake most people do is give up. Growing cannabis is time-consuming and effort-sucking but only during the initial phase. Once you get into a habit of taking care of your plant, you will soon adapt the routine for it. It will not be painful anymore. 

If you do not stop growing, you do not stop learning. You might even become a master in growing cannabis, maybe much before you know it.


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